Lynn Miller

2000-present   Music therapist/ Sound Healing private practice, Healing Arts Studio, Phoenixville, PA

2010-2015      Creative Arts therapist, Roxborough Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

2013-2015       Music therapy Adjunct faculty at the Graduate Institute, Bethany, Conn

2004-2012       Music therapist, Pennsylvania Department of Aging

2000-2016       Teacher, Music for People

2010-present   Teacher, Flute Haven Native Flute School

2006-2007       Activities director, Music therapist Unitarian Universalist House, Phil. PA

1999-2002       Adjunct faculty in the Music Therapy Department at Immaculata  University

1996-1999       Music and Art teacher for Upattinas School, Glenmore, PA


1998-2000         Lesley University MA Expressive Arts Therapy, Cambridge, Massachusetts

6/1975-9/1977   Cheyney State University   BFA – May, 1994 Cheyney, Pennsylvania

1/1973 -6/1973   Mt.Angel College Art/Music- Mt.Angel, Oregon

9/1971- 6/1972   Institutto Allende Art -San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

9/1970- 6/1971   Silvermine College of Art  Art -New Canaan, Connecticut


1995  Certified art teacher for private schools through the Commonwealth of PA

1996  Therapeutic Sound school certification with Don Campbell

1997  Certified Music therapist through the American Association of Music Therapy.

1998 Certified Music Improvisation Instructor through Music for People

1999  Theater of Witness training in therapeutic storytelling

2005   Reiki level 2

2008  Vibrational Medicine certification training with Joy Gardner

2009  Chakra Healing with Applied Integration certification with Elizabeth Frediani

2017 Reiki Sound Certificate

2022 Sonic Anatomy Certificate through Eileen McKusik and Koren Brothers


2017 -2019 The Interdisciplinary Society for Quantitative Research in Music and Medicine


Created 12 painted murals for Roxborough Hospital, one involved the patients

Created a Community mosaic mural for the city of Phoenixville, PA

Created a mosaic mural for Kiental Retreat Center in Switzerland


The Wilmington Arts Commission Summer Artist in Residence Program

Five County Arts Grant through PA Council of the Arts

Chester County Commissioners Arts grant


Miller, L Miller, E. (2017). The Use of Music for Neuromodulation. In Evans, J. R., & Turner, R. (Eds.), Rhythmic Stimulation Procedures in Neuromodulation. Amsterdam: Academic Press.   Elsevier Publishers.

Miller , L. (2013) SpiritArts, Transformation through Creating Art, Music and Dance, Phoenixville, PA, Expressive Therapy Press.

Miller, L., Miller, E. (1999). Playing Music in the Group. . In Hibben, J. (Ed.), Inside Music Therapy: Client Experiences (pp. 3-86). Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers.

Miller, L. Miller,E., (1995) Music & Dance Movement in Assisting the Chiropractic Process. Connections: Integrating Our Work and Play – Proceedings of the American Association for Music Therapy.

Miller, L, Miller, E., (1994.) Music Therapy & Dance Movement : Bridging Cultural Barriers in the Treatment of Chemical Dependency. Creating Cultural Connections-Proceedings of the N.Y.State Chapter American Dance Therapy Association. Viacom Conference Center, NY: April 23, 1994.

Miller L., Miller, E., (1993), Music & Dance in Recovery. Joint North American Music Therapy Conference, presentation audio cassette#931029-650 Audio Archives. Toronto,Canada: October28-31,1993.


Co-founder of Expressive Therapy Concepts: Coordinated 5 international conferences in Expressive Arts Therapies and Integrative Medicine

 1995 Expressive Therapy Concepts, Bridging the Arts Together, The Desmond, Malvern, PA

A symposium including, Music therapy, Art therapy. Drama therapy, Poetry

Therapy, Psychodrama, Dance therapy and Expressive Arts therapy.

1997 Expressive Therapy Concepts, Arts Medicine, The Sheraton, Frazer, PA

1999 Expressive Therapy Concepts and Integrative Medicine Joint Conference Omega,

NY A conference uniting alternative therapies including the Creative Arts therapies

and Holistic Healing modalities such as Reiki, Biofeedback and massage.

2000, 2001 Expressive Therapy Concepts and Integrative Medicine Joint Conference,

Immaculata University, Frazer, PA A conference integrating east and west

Healing modalities.

2001-2010 Music for People, Kiental, Switzerland

2006-2008 Freeing the Natural Voice, Trimurti France

2008         Music Improvisation, Ompio Italy

2008         Music Therapy Interventions, Torino, Italy

2008-2020 Music Therapy Primer, Gwynd Mercy College, PA

1998-2014 The Art of Improvisation, Fredonia University, NY

2011-2014 Music for Everybody. Silverton, BC

2012         Vocal Improvisation for Music Therapists, MAR AMTA, Charlotte, NC

2012         Music Therapy in the Hospital Setting, Vinhams Hospital, New Delhi , India

2012         Therapeutic Voice, Music and Psychotherapy Conference, Bangalore, India

2013       Therapeutic Voice, Interdisciplinary Society of Music and Medicine, Georgia

2013         BioGuided Music therapy, Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY

2014         Vocal Improvisation for Music therapists, MAR AMTA Buffalo, NY

2014         Vocal Improvisation, National Society of Improvised Music, New School, NY

2014         Music Therapy in the Hospital Setting, Madanta Hospital, Gurgeon, India

2014         BioGuided Music Therapy, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India

2014         Drum Circle Facilitation, Summit Expressive Therapy Conference, Ny. NY

2014         Vocal Improvisation for Well-Being, Sound and Consciousness Conference,

Oakland, CA.

2015        Music Improv in the Hospital Setting, Interdisciplinary Society of Qualitative

Research in Music and Medicine, Immaculata University, Immaculata, PA

2015        Multicultural Therapeutic Music, MAR AMTA, Ocean City, Maryland

2016        Music for People Improvisation Orchestra, Transformation through

                Improvisation. “Special event”, Annual Conference for the National

                 Association of Social Workers-NJ Chapter.  Atlantic City, NJ.

2016        SpiritArts, Transformation through Improvisation, Keynote presentation: Music

                 Healing and Transition Conference, Los Altos, CA

2017        Listen Up: Finding the Song Within: Music Improv Skills in the Treatment of

                Trauma, Rutgers University School of Social Work CE, New Brunswick, NJ.

2017         Music Therapy and the PolyVagal Theory, Interdisciplinary Society of Qualitative

                  Research in Music and Medicine, Bridgeport University.

2018        Opening the 5th Chakra through Sound Medicine, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

2018         Multi-Cultural Music Making Programs for Middlesex County Council of Arts, NJ.

2019         Music for Everyone, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
2019         BioGuided Music Therapy, Globe Sound Healing Conference, CA

2019         Vocal Improvisation and PolyVagal Theory, International Society of Improvised Music Conference, Minneapolis    2020          Resilience through Music and Making Friends with the Unknown, Middlesex County Council of the Arts virtual 

2021         Vocal Vagal Toning, Globe International Sound Healing Virtual Conference

2022         New Earth One Network live virtual programs: Transformation through the Voice, Sacred Sound, Sacred Name, 6                          Healing Sounds, Free the Voice, Transformation through Sound and Movement