Free your voice, free yourself with a SpiritVoice session.
Align body, mind, spirit with a Therapeutic Sound Treatment utilizing a Soundbed with 50 strings..
Connect with authentic self through SpiritArts Method.
Art Drums, Books and CD’s
SpiritArts book, Transformation Through Creating Art, Music and Dance.
Art Drums, hand painted frame drums for ceremony.
Mystic Song CD, medicine songs for the Spirit.
About Lynn
Lynn Miller, MA, is a Music Therapist, Sound Healer, Teacher, Author and Artist.
Home and abroad, she builds community through the arts.. Bio Commmunity Arts
She gives personal sessions at the Healing Arts Studio in Phoenixville, PA
Get to know Expressive Arts therapist, Lynn Miller. Hear her play multiple instruments, view her art and explain about the creation of her book, SpiritArts, Transformation through Creating Art, Music and Dance.

Music and Neuromodulation
Lynn Miller MA and her husband Dr. Eric Miller collaborated on a book chapter Music and Neuromodulation, in Rhythmic Stimulation Procedures in Neuromodulation. Evans, published by Elsevier (2017) The Miller’s did research on toning which led Lynn to write about The Human Voice as a Musical Instrument for Neuromodulation.