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The throat is the center for self-expression both physically and metaphysically as it is the area connecting the heart to the head. It allows us to express our needs, wants and what we feel. When our voice is ignored or censored it can shut down parts of ourself. The voice of the Divine Feminine wants to emerge and must be be heard if we are to bring balance to Earth and all of her broken systems. This beautiful voice of the Divine Feminine, the Sacred Mother, brings healing, acceptance, reconciliation and repair. It comes through all of us with joy and ease when our throat chakra is awakened.
We look forward to starting the New Year with you. Join us Sunday January 14 at GALERÍA NEPANTLA , home of amazing artist, Isis Rodriquez, 1-5pm, followed by a potluck.
Estoy sumamente emocionada para anunciar un taller para abrir la chakra de comunicacion, el 14 de enero, 1p-5p y kermes despues. Vamos asistir en sesiones de sanacion auditorio con cuencas Tibetanos por Janey Butterworth, apertura vocal con cantos y mantras por Lynn Miller, y El Respiro Que Sana que doy yo. Despues comemos. Gracias a Isis Rodriguez para abrir su #GaleriaNepantla y apoyarnos en este trabajo tan importante.
Si quieres asistir, mandame (Achaessa James) un mensaje. El costo es $200mxn ($250mxn si esperas hasta el dia). Hay descuentos y beccas disponibles si preguntas.